Main Article Content
Management and use of peat land that is not in accordance with the conditions of the peat site in Jambi Province causes damage to the peat ecosystem due to forest and land fires. In 2016, the Peat Restoration Agency (BRG) was formed which aims to restore the condition of the peat ecosystem by involving many stakeholders from various types of interests to make the restoration program on peatlands a success. To evaluate the various activities that have been carried out, it is necessary to know how stakeholders perceive the implementation of peat ecosystem restoration so far, therefore a perception survey was carried out which can assess the community's commitment to support and involvement in efforts to protect the peat ecosystem. The aim of this research is to provide data regarding community perceptions of peat restoration activities and assess commitment to support and involvement in efforts to protect peat ecosystems in general. The method for implementing this research was carried out in Rantau Rasau Village, which consisted of field observation surveys, in-depth interviews and questionnaires. The results of the research show that the BRG Program which has been implemented in Rantau Rasau Village has had a good influence on the development of the community's economy with various trainings to increase individual capacity, institutional capacity, understanding of peat-friendly land management systems which can provide understanding to the community to care more about their environment, so that The carrying capacity of the environment can increase so that the socio-economic conditions of the community can also improve.
Article Details
Peatlands in Indonesia. Wetlands International – Indonesia Programme dan Wildlife Habitat Canada. Bogor. Indonesia.
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