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Ahmad Ferdian Shobur
Helmina Helmina
Heri Santoso


A shop building Jaya Jambi is one of the company that moves in the fields of a sale and purchase goods , that experienced competition been tough enough with the company the like. In enhancing the quality of service to customers the company requires a good system. Thus should be designed a information systems that aims to devise a system in process data selling in a shop building Jaya Jambi computer that is based , in order to process an employee in the selling data and the purchase of or effectiveness in for finding data and prepare reports. In this study researchers used a Tools of UML (Unified Modeling Language), method Waterfall and using language programming VB.NET. This research produce information system sales in stores jaya jambi that can manage the data of goods , the purchase , sales of , retur and report the purchase , sales reports , reports the percentage of sales and the report retur it was.


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How to Cite
Shobur, A., Helmina, H., & Santoso, H. (2022). PERANCANGAN SISTEM INFORMASI PENJUALAN PADA TOKO JAYA JAMBI. Jurnal Informatika, Sistem Informasi Dan Kehutanan (FORSINTA), 1(1), 60-69.


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