Prosiding HASEMNAS UM Jambi <p align="justify">The UM Jambi Hasemnas Prosing is a collection of papers or a collection of writings from national seminars published and managed by the Institute for Research and Community Service of the University of Muhammadiyah Jambi in the fields of Economics and Business, Social and Humanities, Science and Technology, Health and Education. The proceedings are open to researchers, lecturers and other professionals. Published articles will be evaluated by a team of editors and reviewers who are competent in their respective fields. The editorial team has the right to make changes to the article for the sake of uniformity in the format, without changing the intent in it. Hasemnas is published 1 time a year.</p> en-US (Mirajenita Ambari) (Aguston Kurniawan) Fri, 30 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0700 OJS 60