
This research is entitled "Determinants of Poverty Levels in Indonesia". The purpose of this study is first to find out the development of the open unemployment rate, poverty rate, and inflation in Indonesia. Second, to find out and analyze the factors that affect the poverty level in Indonesia. This research method uses BPS literature studies, whose main materials come from books and journals. The research method consists of ideas that can be measured with different values to obtain a better understanding of the research object. This study uses a dependent variable and an independent variable (free) poverty level is a bound variable, and the independent variables are economic growth (PE), poverty (P), and inflation (I). The results of the analysis concluded that poverty in Indonesia is still a complex problem and requires great efforts to achieve it. In 2020, the poverty rate in Indonesia reached 9.7% or around 27 million people in the year living in it below the poverty line. Several factors that affect the determination of a country to education and health, the low availability of jobs, the low quality of infrastructure, and the still large economic inequality between urban areas are low. The COVID-19 pandemic that has been hitting Indonesia since the beginning of 2020 has harmed the poverty level in Indonesia, the social and economic restrictions implemented to prevent the spread of the virus are only job losses and income is experiencing difficulties for daily living needs